Monday, November 6, 2017

More Discussion

Hello Everybody,
Thanks to everyone who has shared their thoughts so far. Your comments are very insightful. Here are a few more questions to discuss together:

1.  When Max and his family were rounded up in the ghetto and put on trains, they were taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau. What went through your mind as you read what happened to him and his family?
2.  Had you already heard of Auschwitz-Birkenau? Tell me what you already knew about this place.

To students in Targu Lapus:
1. We talked about what happened to the Jews in Reghin. The Jews in Targu Lapus were sent to Dej, where there was also a ghetto. From there, they were also sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Have you ever heard about this?
2.  I am very curious about the differences in the ways WWII and the Holocaust are taught in each of our countries. Students in the US usually learn about these topics in English and History classes in middle school and high school. Tell me more about how you learned or were taught about the Holocaust.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A Greeting from Max to Targu Lapus

Thank you to those who have responded to the last post. If you haven't posted yet, that's ok. I would still love to hear your thoughts. I'm posting a short video of Max saying hello. :)

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Hello Everybody!
Hope everyone is doing well. How's it going with the book so far? My class (or most of them) have read through Ch. 6, where Max's family was sent to the Szaszregen Ghetto. I think a good place to start our discussion would be to think about the following questions:
-  Describe Max's relationship with friends and neighbors in Targu Lapus before 1933.
-  What overall points should the reader gain after reading about Max's family and town?

I'm always impacted by Max telling about how relationships with his friends began to change and his family finally decided to leave Targu Lapus. He talks about how his family never believed that what they were hearing about in places like Poland would happen in their town.  What are your thoughts on this?

To the students in Targu Lapus, I'm really curious about the following things:
1.  How familiar are you with stories about the Jewish community in Targu Lapus before WWII?
2.  Had you ever heard of the Szaszregen (Reghin) Ghetto?  A large number of Max's extended
     family stayed in Targu Lapus. Have you ever heard stories of what happened to the Jews in
     Targu Lapus?

I can't wait to hear all of your thoughts!  Also, my class will be posting a picture soon. Please take one of your class and post! :)

More later!!

Ms. McDonald

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Hello Petru Rares High School!!!

Hello Everyone!

I am sure by now that Ms. Ciupe has told you about our plans for our classrooms. :)  I am writing to you from Birmingham, AL, USA.  This blog has been up since last year, so feel free to go back and look over some of the things we did last year.

My class and I are really excited about working with and getting to know all of you!  Please respond to this post and say hello.  I will make sure my students do the same. 

More later!  :)

Ms. McDonald

Sunday, June 4, 2017

I Wanted to Say Again... Thank You!

Dear Friends,
I hear that your school year is almost over.  Hang in there!  You can do it!  I have been out of school for about a week. I told Ms. Ciupe a few days ago that one year ago, I was there visiting your school in Targu Lapus.  The memories of my time in your beautiful town will always stay with me.

What will also stay with me are the connections we have maintained throughout this year. You will never know how much that has meant to me.  It has also meant so much to Max.  All of you have supported, encouraged, and done whatever you could to help throughout the process of me finishing the book.  All I can continue to say is thank you.

One story stands out that I wanted to share with you. As I was preparing for the book launch in February, I wanted to somehow share the special relationships that Max and I now had in Targu Lapus.  The pictures that you sent of the old bridge in Targu Lapus and of some of you standing on the new bridge told a very powerful story.  I posted the video I created with some of these pictures on the blog. Please let me know what you think of it.

As your school year ends, I hope you have a restful, peaceful, exciting, and fun summer! Please don't ever hesitate to keep in touch.  And if there is ever any way I can help any of you, I will do my best.

Take care and hope to hear from you soon!


Hometown Video

This is the video I created and used at the first book signing in February.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Food for Thought

Hi, everybody! I am sure that all of you have read the book by now. I have some questions for you and I want to let you know that both Amy and I are eager to find out what you think!
Choose whatever question appeals to you and start writing!

1. What do you think Amy's goals were when she asked Max to participate in the project?
2. Describe Max's relationship with friends and neighbours in Targu Lapus and how things changed by the late 1930s. (chapter 4-6)
3. What happened to Max and his family in May 1944?
4. What stands out to you as Max describes the situation on the train? (chapter 7-9)
5. How did Max find out about the fate of his family after they were separated?
6. Max describes several experiences at Kaufering III. Which one stands out to you the most? Why?(chapter 10-13)
7. What decision did Max and other prisoners have to make when they were sent back to Dachau? What did Max choose and where did he go as a result of his decision? (chapter 14-16)
8. Discuss the challenges that Max faced within the first year of being liberated. (chapter 17-20)
9. What prompted Max to begin speaking and telling his story?
10. The author asks the question "How can we be certain that their lives, memories and legacies are remembered?" How would you answer this question?  

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Another Message from Max to Students in Targu Lapus

When Max visited our classroom on May 3, he sent this message to you! 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

How Was Spring Break?

It has been awhile since we have communicated.  Hope all of you in Targu Lapus had a great spring break! I wanted to let you know that Mr. Max is coming to speak to my class tomorrow (Wednesday).  I told Ms. Ciupe that I would put a post on the blog to let you know.  I know he would be excited to hear from all of you in Targu Lapus and would love to answer any questions you might have.  Please post your questions.  I will be filming his talk and will post portions of it here. I really wish we could Skype while he visits, but there is an 8 hour time difference.  Hope to hear from you.  Post your questions!!! 

Ms. McDonald

Monday, April 3, 2017

Let's Read!!!

We have just returned from spring break and are about to begin reading Determined to Survive.  We are excited about reading this book together with all of you in Targu Lapus!  To direct the discussion, I will post a topic or question from the reading questions. 

From Ch. 1 - 3:
1.  Have you ever met or heard a Holocaust survivor speak?  If so, tell us about it.  If not, what types of questions would you ask if you could?

Monday, February 13, 2017

Hello from Birmingham, AL!

Excited to Get Started!!!

Ms. Ciupe and I are both so excited for our students to be working on this project together.  I'm very honored (and also very nervous) for all of you to be reading the book about Holocaust survivor, Max Steinmetz, Determined to Survive.