Sunday, October 28, 2018

It's All Relevant... Here and Now.

So far we have been taking things pretty slowly with the communication and readings. We are all very busy with school, activities, life, right? And besides, do you ever wonder what the point is of reading history? Seriously, don't we sometimes get tired of looking back at the past? Do you ever ask yourself how this is going to apply in real life?

I have to be honest and say that I am writing this post with a very heavy heart... especially after this past week. Things seem to have taken on a new urgency. In our time together, we are focusing on the Civil Rights Movement and the Holocaust. This is troubling, dark, heartbreaking history. 

Take the time to read this article from CNN. Look at the pictures. Share your thoughts. Ask your questions. I think we are all asking questions right now.


  1. If people would stop living in The past and start to accept the fact we live in unity

  2. There are no words to describe how horrific the recent hate crimes are, but a few questions that I have: Where do you go from here? How can you prevent it? What can you do now that this is happen?

    1. Don't we wish we knew the answers?

  3. I feel as if we as a whole society, need to work together to prevent situations such as this, we can’t make the world perfect but we can start loving one another showing others how to treat people, and we all can make a change. One question I have is Since this unfortunate event occurred what can the United States do to prevent it?

    1. You are right... we can all make a change.

  4. These are good questions. Others feel free to reply to specific questions.

  5. these hate crimes occurring now come from centuries of hatred and supremacy culture that have been programmed in the minds of people and it was take the making of a whole new society with the mentality of every person being treated as equals to rid our country of this disease

    1. That is why it so critical that we work to make things equitable and fair. That can be a great legacy!

  6. Instead of us keep talking about it we all need to step up and try to do something I know it’s going to be hard but we all have to try. It’s so much hate in this world ☹️����

  7. I say we need to come together as one and stop catagorizing each other so we could stop these hate crimes from happening

  8. There Is no words I can Express the words of how sad people minds are the question that come to my mind is why would someone sit there and just think about this??

  9. I believe we live in a hateful world where people aren’t accepted because of differences and I feel that’s the parents or family members play a big role in people lives , If u teach a child racism then that’s all there going to know , hopefully the younger generation have a different out look on life and people around them .

    1. I think each generation is making great improvement! I can see it and feel it. However, these terrible acts remind us that we have to keep working to improve ourselves and the world around us.

  10. The recent hate crimes that have occurred are completely unacceptable. We need to start living in unity or everything will collapse and the world will fall apart

  11. I think that there is a reason for more and more hate-crimes coming in such a short amount of time. We need to show compassion for others at all time and find some way to change hate-filled people's thoughts. The questions I have are : What can we do currently to prevent this from happening in the future. How do we change what people think?

  12. This is Soraya Escobar, I think As a country that’s supposed to be united we show in many ways that we are really separated, we separate from one another just because of our beliefs, racist, homophobic or any other hateful beliefs. At the end of the day we are all people, why judge someone because of what they look like? Or beliefs?

    1. I personally think that’s it’s okay to worship whatever you please and yes people are going to have opinions but I think that hate crimes toward religion or anything is wrong!

  13. I feel as if these hate crimes are sick and heinous acts against rightful and innocent citizens of the united states.
    ~Jason Minchew

  14. Yes people can be very hateful and cruel , i feel it’s not fair because we are all human beings and we should all be treated like a human being , not monsters .
    -Aissata Toure

  15. It is outrageous that people can have so much hate and ignorance that they kill people just because of their own awful beliefs of other humans. It's really tragic that a political party can make you target other former politicians because of an opinion. it's tremendous.
    ~Chantel Allen

  16. Express the words of how sad people minds are the question that come to my mind is why would someone sit there and just think about this pestimistics vibe

  17. I think that some people in the U.S. are just wanting things to be how they use to be they don’t like for people to match or do better than them in anyway.

  18. I believe that the acts committed by these people are a result of uneducated school system.

    1. School systems are to blame for hate crimes???

  19. there is no logical explanation as to why these hate crimes occur but there are many ways for them to be stopped. we can stop being less judgemental and come to together as one as a country to stop it.
    -quiara white

  20. I think us as a united states should come as one because when we dont work together as a country it tears everything apart and its like everyone is monsters

  21. Our society is usually so caught up in other things that we don't realize history is repeating itself. It's honestly very sickening. We need to work together to try overcome this.

  22. This world will always have hatred in it. A perfect society does not exist and we need to come to that realization. I agree that life could be better and we can learn to stop being childish and attacking others based on small things like race and religion, but other people cant see that. There are bigger problems in this world and I truly believe the only time we will unite and put our differences aside is when another major tragedy happens.

    1. You are right. There's no perfect society. But I sure hope unity doesn't require another tragedy.

  23. History is starting to repeat it's self before our eyes and we do not even see it. These crimes should not have even happened and they need to be put to a stop right away. We need to come aware of what is happening and try to fix it and come together.

  24. It's unbelievable that people still do this type of thing after years and years of this hate and destruction. When will they wake up and see the error of their ways and that this isn't the way to a better future. But I feel this will go on for years to come until there is an end to all of this carnage.
    -Ly'Tavious Harris

  25. Violent acts never stop happening, as much as people fight for rights and equality there will always be people with hate in their hearts. It's sad that we as a society let history repeat itself because we are not capable of acknowledging the efforts and sacrifices people have made in the past to bring peace to the country.

  26. to be honest i don´t watch the news for this exact reason i can´t bare to see these horrific acts of terrorism it´s just stupid and sad. racist, childish, ignorant people are still butt-hurt over races we should come together and conquer the main problems facing the world today we have bigger fish to fry if we continue to dwell in the past then how are we gonna get better as people. ¨love each other end hate¨ BY RYDER BRAND

  27. I think if things like this will never stop the United States wont last any longer. -Phillip Mahaffey

  28. This is something that should have never happen to people that wanted to have a normal day and didn’t hurt and do nothing to nobody it’s sad that people can have so much hate to somebody that’s not there color or like them. How can we change people thoughts on things ?

  29. In this day and age the past is beginning to become the future and some of us may see it some of us may not. The generation today are beginning what happened then happening and it's becoming a rude awakening.

  30. I believe there is no reason for something this horrible events to happen because no matter what someone identify as or whatever they believe in. They should not be judged for who they are. Some questions I have is: How can we help change this?

  31. The idea that just because someone believes a certain way or looks a certain way warrants their deaths is a terrible one. Thinking of many examples of history I believe that the only way we can fix this issue is to stand up for what you believe in. Like most examples, slavery, women suffrage, ect... I think it will take time for the issue to be completely resolved. The U.S. has come a long way in terms of racism in the last two centuries. We go from owning slaves, to freed slaves who are far from treated equally. However blacks slowly gained rights in the U.S. and in the 1960's another step was taken towards equality. Even now there is mistreatment but it's gotten much better, and I believe that with dedication and if we keep progressing forward those people who are lost in their outdated ideals will fade away and more steps will be taken toward full equality. What are any counter arguments? I'm very curious as to what everyone thinks and why.

  32. It's sad that racism is still something we have to deal with. People should realise every person is different and we are all equal. I think there's no way to fix this because it's very hard to change people's different mentalities, even if they are wrong.Regardless, we shouldn't be indifferent and we must try to make this a better world, a world without hatred.

  33. These crimes are a very good example of how much hate is in this world. We should be treated equally regardless of our gender, religion, skin colour etc. Why are we killing each other for such unimportant things? Why are we killing each other in the first place? We have a very long way until we can reach peace between people but it's possible. Of course everyone is raised diffrently and we should understand that, but we can try and change people into being better persons even though many people will still feel hate and rage. I hope for a better future but right now we are in a very bad situation, people seem to bring back the worst of the past and that is very concerning. I really think it's going to be the end of the world if we keep continuing like this.

  34. When a tragedy like this happens, we either can't belive it or we don't want to.Many times, it's the second case.We all prefer to think that we live in a society where pure acts of evil like this can't happen but in reality, we're always just one step away from a tragedy.
    In times like this, all is left for us is to stand together and realy think about our future as a town, a city, a country and a community that includes all of us.
    The first step is teaching our kids how to love the people around them regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, religion or opinions.We're so fixed on the idea that kids need to learn sience, math, diffrent languages but we never stop and realise that we're not teaching them how to love and what love really means.
    A question I ask myself everytime something bad is happening around the world...Why do we always choose people that aren't intrested in keeping us save to lead us?
    We're the ones responsible for our future so when we vote(or decide not to), we need to be really careful.
    Only people who love people are able to make us understand why we're all the same and no one should be hated because of the color of their skin or their religion.
    I'm really sorry hearing about these acts of hate in America and my heart is with all of you.

  35. I think that it is awful that such things are happening in the days in which we should be open minded and open hearted. We should understand each other like equals because we are equals no matter what. We must sad and take action in making things better. When we see that these horrible things take place around us we cannot neglect them. These tragedies should not happen nowadays.

  36. We all need try to do something. I know it's hard but all have to try. It's much hate in this world. Every person being treated as equales. We need to show compassion for others at all time and find some way to change hate-filled peoples thoughts.
    How do you think society would be if everyone were to have equal chances?

  37. All of these things are really terrible and we all think there should be no such incidents like those.
    racism must disappear or at least diminish. A person must not be judged by color and a person must differentiate himself from the way he thinks, how he feels.
    But we continue to say our point, because one day it will count.

  38. What's the point of hate crimes ? there is no point of it to me like if you don't like someone then keep it to yourself don't get and plot on people just because their beliefs, ethnicity , and or judgements. God Made Everyone Differently FOR A REASON !!!
