Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Let's get to know each other

My students are curious to know about you, your country and about your educational system.
So, we have a few questions!

1. As Christmas is getting closer, what traditions are there in Birmingham? Do you have some special activities related to this at school?

2. Do you learn about the history of Romania as we learn about America and its government?

3. What foreign languages do you study? And what languages would you like to study?

4. Are you satisfied with the school system in your country?

5. How many hours do you spend at school daily? Do you have classes on Saturday?

6. What happens if you skip classes?

7. Are you allowed to access social networks at school?

8. Would you consider living in another country?

1 comment:

  1. 1. Traditions vary from different practices of Christianity. However, many celebrate with a decorated evergreen, food, gifts, and family. Schools are limited in the presentation of religion, so they do not often display anything more than a tree. Some organisations within the schools, like choirs and bands, hold concerts that reflect the season.
    2. As much as I wish we were, Americans are not taught anything specific about Romania. If you do not take a specific course, nothing other than its whereabouts and language are taught.
    3. At our school, we are able to take classes in French and Spanish. I have taken French and enjoy it. However, I take foreign language classes outside of school and tend to favor Irish Gaelic.
    4. To be perfectly honest, America's school system is mediocre. It has some very good points, but it is always changing in methods and therefore inconsistent. I personally believe our school system could be a lot better, but I also know it could be a lot worse and therfore will settle with what I have.
    5. We attend school for about 7 hours, starting at 7:55 and ending at 3:05. Tutoring is often offered after hours, but only for an hour or two and is not scheduled into our daily routines. We do not have school on Saturdays.
    6. When a student is caught skipping class, they are usually given detention. If they continue, they are temporarily suspended. If they are caught skipping school all together too much, they can be taken to court along with their parent or guardian.
    7. We're not suppose to be on social cites, however, many students go on them anyway. Some are smart enough to do so privately or during freestone in-between classes whereas others do so in front the teachers and get caught.
    8. I, personally, would LOVE to live in a foreign country! I always have! Ideally, somewhere like Australia or New Zealand, but also somewhere like Ireland or Switzerland would be nice. Somewhere with an amazing view all around!
