Sunday, September 30, 2018

Let's Introduce Ourselves!

Ms. Ciupe and I are both very excited about having our students work together again this year! Our goal is to connect our students with each other, learn about each other's schools and cultures, study some really interesting and complicated history together, and end up with an awesome project!

But before all that, let's introduce ourselves. Let's start by telling our name, age, and year in school. Feel free to add a picture! :)  I'll go first...

My name is Amy McDonald. You don't need to know my age. ha! I teach US History and Holocaust Studies at Shades Valley High School in Birmingham, Alabama.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Welcome Back to School!

I hope all of you had a wonderful summer and are ready for a great school year! I'm excited about hearing from all of you and introducing you to my students!